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žAccording to the relationship Music-Image:

- Source-music (diegetic): Music whose source is logically located within the story space. Source music is generally inserted into a scene, making the characters and the scene aware of it.

- Non-diegetic underscore music: Music whose origin doesn’t appear in the image, like an ambient music

žAccording to the relation with the visual message:

- Convergent Music: Direct relation with the feeling or ambient of the scene; emphatise with the main emotion. - Divergent Music: It contrasts with the effect suggested by the image provoking te opposite emotion

žAccording the relation Music-Plot:

- Integrated Music: The presence of the music is by the plot (most of the diegetic music)

- Non integrated Music: It hasn’t got relation with the plot. It only reinforces or accompany the image

žAccording to the location in the montage:

-Generic block: during the opening and ending credits

-Sequence block: during a sequence (the main theme, secundary theme or another opposite)

-Transition block: Music to join two sequences

According to the volume:

- In the first plane: It acts over the image and dialogues - In the second plane: It acts as background music or joining sequences

žAccording to the origin of the composition of the music: Original music or a musical loan




žAccording to the relacion with the historical moment of the action:

- Anachornistic music: music is not corresponded with the chronology of the action

- Corresponded music with the chronology of the action

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