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This is becoming a bit of a habit, us meeting like this. But if you are reading this you really want to try out Wix. Go on then.


Martin Lutero broke away with Rome (1510), establishing Protestantism. For him, music was the most important thing after theology. Due to his high musical training (as composer as flautist) he created the main musical form of his church, the Chorale.

German Chorales: These were the main form of the Protestant Church, led by Martin Lutero, who wanted to bring its people into a more direct contact with God. He used hymns in German sung by the whole congregation, using popular songs, in choral or homophonic style.


English Anthems: Henry VIII broke away with Rome (1534) creating Anglican Church, and proclaimed himself the head of it. This separation causes the fall of the English religious music, because the mass disappeared and they used only the anthem for religious services.  In this country, the Protestant Church Anthems were sung in English by the choir.


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